Friday, January 29, 2010


You can get creative with quiche by adding the desired vegetables that you want. Recipe below is one of many!

6oz. Prosciutto
6 oz. Turkey
olive oil
6 eggs
1 onion, chopped
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups fresh spinach, chopped
almond flour crust (recipe below)

Place prosciutto in a food processor for a few seconds until it is finely chopped, place in large bowl. Dice turkey into cubes and place in same bowl - mix together. Heat olive oil in pan and add prosciutto/turkey until prosciutto looks crispy (2-3 minutes). Dump mixture back in bowl. In same pan, sautee garlic in olive oil until aroma is released, then add spinach until it just begins to wilt. Remove and add to prosciutto mix. Sautee onion until softened and add to bowl. Mix sauteed ingredients together thoroughly and set aside.
Whisk 6 eggs and add whatever spices/seasoning you like to your eggs (I like to use fresh ground pepper, thyme, basil and oregano). Set aside.

For almond crust:

1.5 c almond flour
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 c walnut oil (you can use grapeseed as well or any other flavorful nut oil)

In medium bowl, combine almond flour, salt and baking soda. Add walnut oil and mix just until blended. Place wet dough into 9" pie plate and pat down to cover bottom (you might have enough to go up sides of pan just a little). Bake @ 325 degrees for 15 minutes or until golden.

After crust is baked, let cool for 5 minutes then add prosciutto mix evenly over the crust. Top with egg mixture and bake @ 350 for 30-40 minutes or until eggs have set.

Serve with a side salad or fruit and you have a great meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner!


  1. Hi Maria! Do you have any raw food recipies? Great stuff here, be well!


  2. Nathan,

    Thanks for the comments.

    My recipes are geared towards a Paleo style of eating, which includes an animal-based diet, not plant-based alone.

    Enjoy the site!

  3. Ahh, okies. I do enjoy fish and I eat nitrite free turkey bacon at least once a week (along with some coconut oil fried eggs), just have been trying to avoid cooking my veggies lately. I will have to google a paleo diet. Thanks, and be well!
